


Oway and Original Mineral– these are in my shower right now and love them. I buy them at my salon, K’Bello in Midland Park. The owner Karla is passionate about providing chemical free and organic hair care for her clients. All her products are vegan and cruelty free as well!

Acure– They were one of the first vegan shampoos I used but I didn’t like how it left my hair.

Skin Care: 

Derma-E– I started to try another line when I ran into a rep for this company at Whole Foods. We started talking and I came home with tons of samples. They are vegan, cruelty free, natural ingredients and dermatologist tested. I started with the charcoal mask and the anti-wrinkle vitamin scrub and dark circle eye cream. After just 2 days i’m addicted! They can be bought online at Amazon, at Whole Foods, Ulta and CVS. I HIGHLY recommend this line.

Arbonne– I used this for a while, specifically the RE9 series, but eventually started to look for something else. I tried several different options but my skin responded the best to this one for a while.

OSEA-This was sent to me from a friend and it looks awesome! I really like the all natural ingredients. I got a few samples from them but didn’t stick with it.

Acure– They have a whole line of stuff. I used their face scrub for a little and their face wash too in the beginning but didn’t stick with it. I do know someone who LOVES this line though so it’s worth a try.

Dr Bronners liquid soaps are my favorite to use in the shower. The Almond is the best in my opinion.

Juice Beauty– Is another great option that I tried in the beginning but didn’t end up sticking with.


I was a big fan of Toms until I learned that they were purchased by the conglomerate Colgate-Palmolive who is infamous for terrible animal testing.

Kiss My Face is what I currently use which I am very happy with. They have mouthwash as well.


This was tough for me as several just didn’t do the trick during workouts. There are lots of options out there to try if you visit a whole foods. After a struggle a friend recommended “The Healthy Deodorant” and I haven’t looked back since. Amazon sells all scents and they are all delicious.


Beauty Without Cruelty mascara is my favorite. Nice dark black and goes on great.

Juice Beauty– I tried a few things from this line but ultimately wasn’t impressed.

Inika– It was difficult finding a vegan/cruelty free line that also wasnt owned by a larger corporation that has opposite values. Inika was a good find.


Lush is an amazing store.  We have one in our mall.  I currently use their shampoos, conditioners, and body lotions.  They also sell makeup, bath bombs, and tons of other things. They are 1000% against animal testing. Majority of their products are vegan, all are vegetarian.

Leaping Bunny– is a great organization.  They “approve” vegan/cruelty free products.  They have a great app where you can search for any type of product you are looking for.  
